Thursday, October 25, 2018

Best Hair Transplant In Islamabad Lahore And Peshawar

The results and consequences of hair transplantation in many ways since the hair transplant surgery is performed as a rule for aesthetic purposes, its result and consequences are an important factor in deciding in favor of this or that method. Consider what awaits the patient in the postoperative period. At the end of the operation, with a strip method, a special bandage is applied to the receiving recipient area, which is removed after 3 days.

In addition during the first three days, there will be discomfort in the seam area, and painful crusts will appear in the area of ​​the Hair Transplant In Islamabad, and there may also be a swelling in the face, which in some cases will last up to two weeks. After the operation, the skin in the recipient zone becomes similar to the orange peel due to a multitude of scars, and the formed scar in the donor zone will not allow a short haircut. To the efforts of surgeons were not in vain, it is necessary to observe some recommendations, for example, do not wash your head for 72 hours, since even a weak shower can damage even very vulnerable follicles. 

In general observe the home regime follows about 5 days, but the seams will be removed only after two weeks. Evaluate the result can be in3-4 months, when the hair bulbs take root, the transplanted hairs will fall out, and in their place will start to grow new, healthy. Since the fue-method follicles for a long time get accustomed, hair growth after transplantation begins only after 2-3 months. The maximum possible rejection does not exceed 10% of the transplanted hair. If the area of ​​alopecia is extensive enough, it may require a second operation, which is carried out after 6-8 months.

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