Can I Thicken My Hair?

Unfortunately you should be disappointed that hair transplantation involves transplanting your own hair from places where their density is normal, usually in the occipital region, in places where they are few and the scalp begins to appear through the hair usually in the front zone and through the hair. Hair transplantation from person to person the operation is not different in principle from a kidney or liver transplant those after such a procedure would need to lower your immunity so that your body does not reject the foreign bulbs and this is connected with all possible complications of hormonal and immune regulatory therapy which believe me are not worth the transplanted hair and by themselves can thin your own hair. 

How Can I Determine Without An Analysis That I Have Androgenic Alopecia?
The cause of your Hair Transplant In Karachi loss I found on the photos you sent only Androgenic Alopecia gives a pattern of patterned hair loss and does not need additional tests and studies. If you come to the consultation then give me the opportunity to examine your hair and I will additionally be able to identify that in the problem areas you have increased the amount of thinned hair in the cartage stage they will be above the norm. Genetic test Hair very popular in past years, is not diagnose. 

positive in 92% of the population. The measurement of testosterone is also not diagnostic and is not changed in people with androgenic allopecia. Patterned disappearance of hair is not typical for parasitic and fungal diseases they give focal loss so scrapings and microscopy will not give additional information about androgenic alopecia. Skin biopsies in order to search for sleeping bulbs have been forgotten in the last century after the works of prof. who proved that they sleeping onions are not there with androgenic alopecia.

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