Thursday, October 25, 2018

However Hair Transplant

However carrying out such an operation is not always possible due to the formed scar in the occipital region and, accordingly, the reduction of the donor zone. The period of postoperative healing with the combined method lasts an average of 7-10 days, at which time crusts form in the donor and recipient zones which after some time disappear on their own. Also in the first 2-3 days on the donor zone you must wear a bandage to avoid infection. To wash a head follows a special shampoo under the reference of the doctor.

After 3 months after hair transplantation the result will be visible. Rejection as in the first method does not exceed 10%. The combined method is usually used to fill small areas of baldness an average of 500 grafts, so in some cases, you may need to re-operation. It can be performed in 5-8 months and is limited only by the presence and size of scars in the donor zone. Modern hfe, or non-surgical, method looks most advantageous. After the operation with this method of Hair Transplant In Lahore, the patient can almost immediately start the usual daily activities. There are no painful sensations, both in the donor and in the recipient areas.

Unaesthetic scars, scars in these places do not remain, only small points are visible, which can be compared with needle pricking. These points disappear themselves within 3-5 days. The survival rate of follicles with this method reaches 98%, and the result can be estimated almost immediately. The undoubted advantage of the hfe method can also be called the natural density of hair and the correct direction of their growth.

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